Tag Archives: DIY nails

Gorgeous Pedicures

I’m hoping everyone’s finger nails are getting healthy and looking fab! Now its time to get your toe nails looking gorgeous! Whether you are wearing peep-toe heels on your wedding day or your going somewhere sunny on vacation it is always nice to have a perfect pedicure!

I love bright funky colours on my toe nails especially in summer so have fun, pick a cute and crazy colour! As I said in my last post Orly is one of my favourite brands and they have an awesome summery collection out called ‘Feel the vibe’ so many bright and fun colours which you can check out here

I also love O.P.I’s new range ‘New York City Ballet’ these are perfect soft tones for your wedding nails, personal fav is ‘Care to danse?’ You can check out the range here

So where to start? You need to get your feet in tip top shape to rock a gorg pedicure so start by giving your feet a good soak in some warm bubbly water, or get them into a foot spa if you have one – next we want to give them a good clean, scrub all your nails and your  feet….I am so ticklish on me feet!….then get out your pumice stone and scrub away any yucky hard skin, dry off your feet and trim your nails while they are soft, if your feet are still a little rough around the edges then lather them in moisturiser and put a clean pair of cotton socks on before bed, this will soften all the skin and make them soft and smooth.  Once your nails are trimmed you can lightly file them to a nice rounded shape and then wipe down all your nails with nail polish remover on some cotton to get rid of any old polish or oil that will stop our polish from sticking!

Now its time to get painting! First put some dividers in-between your toes (if you have some) otherwise get some toilet paper or tissue in-between each toe, it isn’t completely necessary but you might find that it helps you banging your toes into your other toes! Now start by painting an even coat of your bottom coat on all your nails, this is really important when you are using bright colours like red that can stain your nails and leave them with a yellow tinge, the bottom coat will protect your nails.  As I said in my last post it is a good idea to invest in a good quality bottom and top coat if you are wanting your polish to last – there are heaps of good brands out there so do some research and pick a good one 🙂

Once your bottom coat is completely dry its time to get the first colour coat on, you will need to roll your bottle of polish in the palms of your hand to mix it first then make sure you get a good amount on your brush as your big toe is a lot wider than your finger nails, paint all the way down and get as close to the sides as you can, then repeat, make sure your coverage is good and let your nails dry for a good 10 minutes.  If you are going to get super funky and add some cute gems or sparkle polish this is the time to do it.

Lastly get that top coat on to protect your pretty polish, wait till it is completely dry before you start walking around and don’t wear closed in shoes for at least an hour as you could damage all your hard work, chuck on jandals or open toe sandals if you need to pop out.  Lastly dip a cotton bud in some nail polish remover and get rid of any excess polish or mistakes and BOOM! You now have sexy feet so go and show them off!

I hope you like my post, I would love to hear from you if you have tried out my tips! Xx